Welcome to the final article of 2023, or first of 2024, where I write about my journey playing Splinterlands! It has been quite a year for the game, with the introduction of the first two phases of Land, the C.E.O. of the company being replaced, the Modern set of card cycling out Untamed, and Rebellion […]
Month: December 2023
Welcome to another article where I write about my journey playing Splinterlands! It is the last season of the year, and the team is mostly on holiday it seems. There haven’t been any big updates since my last article, though a few items were hot fixed out to correct some very specific issues with using […]
Welcome to another article where I write about my journey playing Splinterlands! We are rapidly approaching the end of the year, and it seems like the team is going to be taking a break from weekly releases, so no more game updates… for 2023. We are going to have our last Town Hall of the […]
Welcome to another article where I write about my journey playing Splinterlands! It’s been quite the busy week, with three separate updates at the time of this writing. The biggest one would be the release of the Rebellion set! This rotated all of the Untamed era cards out of Modern play and added several new […]
Welcome to another article where I write about my journey playing Splinterlands! After several missed past release dates, the Land 1.5 update is finally here! It has been over three years since the land sale was first started and we are finally at a point where you actually need to use your cards to mine […]