Splinterland Self Challenge

My Splinterlands Blog #119 – A Slow Start To February

Welcome to another article where I write about my journey playing Splinterlands! A quiet week for the first half of this season, with a relatively small set of patches that didn’t really have any impact to game mechanics. It has also been a fairly slow week in terms of getting new cards, or at least it […]

Splinterland Self Challenge

My Splinterlands Blog #118 – End Of First New Rewards Season

Welcome to another article where I write about my journey playing Splinterlands! The first season with the new account bound reward cards has wrapped up, and it does feel better to get cards as rewards once again. With no option to just go to the store and buy the new cards, or transfer them over from […]

Splinterland Self Challenge

My Splinterlands Blog #117 – New Reward Cards & 100 Packs

Welcome to another article where I write about my journey playing Splinterlands! The first week of this new season, with the new account bound reward cards, has now passed. All of the prior reward cards no longer drop, even if they hadn’t hit their initial target print runs. It feels like I’ve gotten fewer of the […]

Splinterland Self Challenge

My Splinterlands Blog #116 – Upcoming Season Of New Rewards

Welcome to another article where I write about my journey playing Splinterlands! With the close of this past season, we are on to a whole new set of Reward cards. As I mentioned last week, the big feature of these is that they are going to be account bound, unable to be sold or traded away. […]