Blockchain Games Reviews Splinterland Self Challenge

My Splinterlands Self Challenge #9 – Midseason Update, Winning More Outside The Game

Welcome to another update on my attempt to challenge the Splinterlands ranked leagues with only the initial set of cards!… Plus, whatever I can earn or win. This is the mid-week update of my “progress” at playing Splinterlands. Since I had rented out a couple of legendary cards for the end of the season to move up to Bronze I, with the reset I was back at 400 rating and Bronze II – happily skipping Bronze III this time around.

A lot happened this past week, as I won quite a few things for Splinterlands from various activities outside of Splinterlands. I also entered several more tournaments and made some more purchases with DEC! But, before getting too heavily into that here is the breakdown of my daily quests:

Daily Quest # 47 – Win 5 with Fire. Back in Bronze II and playing Fire, which I consider fairly strong. I was able to finish the quest in 9 games, receiving a 2nd copy of the Life common Warrior of Peace.

Daily Quest # 48 – Win 5 with Earth. I consider this one of my stronger sets now, having gotten gifted the summoner Mylor Crowling by @clove71 a couple of weeks back. He gives your monsters a thorn shield that does 2 damage back to enemy melee monsters. I was able to finish the quest in 7 games and got a Gold Potion.

He’s been a big help in my Bronze league play.

Daily Quest # 49 – Win 5 with Earth (again)! I had played a bunch of matches after my daily on day 48, which put me back in Bronze I rating. My rental cards had expired, so I’m technically stuck in Bronze II still. At any rate, I was able to finish the quest in 7 games, losing one and having an opponent surrender before I could submit a deck. For finishing the daily I got a 5th copy of the Water common Wave Runner.

Daily Quest # 50 – Win 5 with Earth (again)!! Once again, I was able to win 5 out of 7 games. For finishing the daily I got a Legendary Potion.

Daily Quest # 51 – Win 5 with Water… rerolled to Win 5 with Fire. Had some tougher opponents, who played multiple Legendary cards, and it took 12 games to win 5. For finishing the daily, I got a third copy of the Fire common Flame Monkey.

Daily Quest # 52 – Win 5 with Fire (without the reroll). Won 5 in a row and got another Legendary Potion.

Daily Quest # 53- Win 5 with Water… rerolled to Fire (again). On a roll, I won 5 in a row to get another Legendary Potion. I had been playing games outside the daily, and after a winning streak, I was briefly in the top 100 in the Bronze league.

I then lost a few matches and dropped back 100 spots.

Daily Quest # 54 – Win 5 with Fire! Broke my streak and it took 11 games for me to finish the daily, getting a second copy of the Neutral common card Gelatinous Cube. Not counting tournaments or direct challenges, I played 155 tournament matches in total this week.

At the end of last season, I was sitting on about 2,000 DEC. I decided to finally buy an Untamed Pack with it, primarily to be eligible to win the Legendary air drops that the developer does after a certain number of total packs have been sold. With one pack, my odds are bad, but infinitely higher than 0%.

Getting a real copy of the Dragon summoner is nice, the rest aren’t too exciting.

Spending DEC to buy cards directly would have improved my deck and card power more than the pack but, now that I’ve got buying one pack for the future airdrops out of the way, I can focus on cards going forward. I did regret it slightly, as I went on to win two more packs from giveaways! I also picked up a bunch of DEC and was gifted a ton of cards.

This pretty much all happened during the past weekend, but first off @MarcusWahl decided to start a Twitch channel for Splinterlands, where he would give anyone that could beat him DEC and do random pack or DEC giveaways to people watching. He doesn’t stream on a regular schedule, but you can subscribe to his channel here to get notified when he starts one. I challenged him to a Bronze rules match and got destroyed, but during the live-stream I won a random pack giveaway, @cryptoreaper sent me 1,000 DEC, and @jacekw sent me a LOT of cards.

I had one, or the Spellbook version, of most of these cards previously.

I mentioned last week that I had entered the Fierce Friday hosted by @clove71, which was a Bronze League rules elimination tournament. I did better than I expected by far. I won my first match, my second round opponent was a no-show, and then I lost in the third round. However, I still came in 22nd place, winning 500 DEC for my 1 DEC entry fee!

@clove71 was also doing a live stream of the event, which I hopped onto and won another free pack! So, in one day, I bought a pack of Untamed, then won a pack of Untamed, and finally a Dice set pack. I spent 274 DEC on 7 Legendary potions, and 392 DEC on Gold potions to open the 2 Untamed packs! (2,666 DEC in total with buying the pack.) I didn’t open the Dice pack as I didn’t have enough DEC left for potions.

Nothing crazy, but it was good to get a real copy of the Water summoner Bortus & Ice Pixie.

Phew, that was a crazy day! Then, a couple of days later, I won another Earth common Nectar Queen from @cryptofiloz’s daily Peakd giveaway and another copy of the Death common Undead Rexx from @zeruxanime’s Peakd giveaway! Yesterday, I also caught another of @MarcusWahl live-streams. I beat him in a Novice rules match, thanks to Earthquake, and picked up a total of 573 DEC, 73 as a random giveaway and 500 for beating him. (I’m now about 1-4 in matches against him).

I entered two more Untamed Kobold Mining Expedition tournaments, for 10 DEC each, but did not do well. I went 4-7 and 5-6, coming in 166th and 171st place respectively. I decided to try to work on picking up the various Untamed Epic cards that I’m missing, to improve my chances at these tournaments. To that end, I spent 989 DEC to pick up the Earth Epic Sporcerer and the Neutral Epic War Chaang.

My current set of Epic cards.

To wrap up this lengthy article, my progress in Bronze is going fairly well! I’ve been able to make it into the top 200 in Bronze already, and have a high enough rating to qualify for Bronze I – if not the card power. I’m about 600 power shy of making it without any rented cards. I’m waiting to open the Dice pack to try to accrue potions from daily rewards. Opening that should help move me closer to that goal, if not push me over the line if I get lucky.

That’s all for now! Thanks for reading this far, and if you have any suggestions for what you would like to see in these articles, please let me know! I’ll be back in about a week with my results this season.

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