Welcome to another weekly update on my attempt to challenge the Splinterlands ranked leagues! Initially it was a self challenge, to see how far I could get with the initial set of cards plus whatever I could win. But, that kind of fell apart around week 30 (with the game integrating with the WAX network and users being able to buy and sell cards on Atomic Hub).
Looking back at the past year, there’s been quite a few landmarks for both myself and my involvement in Splinterlands. I’ve gone from playing in Bronze league for the leader board spots, to farming in Gold league for lots of reward chests. The prices of cards and Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) exploded and land, Untamed, and Dice all sold out. I also got added to the Splinterlands support staff.
The Splintershard governance tokens (SPS) got released, Chaos Legion got released, and the number of users for the game also exploded. The company behind Splinterlands has also grown quite a bit, with it starting to transform from a mom & pop operation to a more seriously sized business. All in all, 2021 was a landmark year for Splinterlands.
For myself, the actual end of this season was fairly quiet. I briefly considered trying for the Gold league leader board when I noticed that I was in the top 200. But, I decided to skip it due to time constraints and advanced into Diamond III instead. At any rate, here’s my usual breakdown of the past week:
Daily Quest Rewards:
Daily Quest # 475 – Win 5 with Water. For completing this daily quest, I received 40 (5 + 1 + 6 + 28) DEC, 1 Gold potion, 1 Gargoya Lion (common monster), 1 Pelacor Mercenary (common monster), and 1 Exploding Rats (rare monster).
Daily Quest # 476 – Win 5 with Fire… re-rolled to win 3 with No Neutral. In trying to complete this daily quest, I dropped back to Gold 3, then got back to Gold 2. A lot of losses that I was unhappy with, but when I finally finished this daily quest, I got 43 (26 + 17) DEC, a Legendary potion, 3 Venari Heatsmith (common monster), and a Pelacor Mercenary (common monster).
Daily Quest # 477 – Win 5 with Earth. I got back to Gold 1, and for finishing this daily quest I received 27 (22 + 1 + 4) DEC, a Legendary potion, a Venari Heatsmith, a Pelacor Bandit (common monster), a Twilight Basilisk (rare monster), and a Naga Assassin (rare monster).
Daily Quest # 478 – Win 5 with Water. For completing this daily quest, I received 14 (10 + 4) DEC, 1 Gold potion, 3 Legendary potions, a Pelacor Deceiver (common monster), and a Venari Heatsmith.
Daily Quest # 479 – Win 3 with No Neutral. For completing this daily quest, I received 25 DEC (12 + 4 + 9), 2 Legendary potions, 2 Pelacor Bandits, and a Venari Crystalsmith (rare monster).
Daily Quest # 480 – Win 5 with Snipe. For finishing this daily quest, I got 39 DEC (22 + 2 + 5 + 10), a Gold potion, a Legendary potion, a Naga Assassin, and an Exploding Rats.
Daily Quest # 481 – Win 5 with Life… re-rolled to Win 5 with Earth. After advancing to Diamond III, I got 23 DEC (20 + 3), a Gold potion, a Legendary potion, 3 Venari Heatsmith, a Pelacor Deceiver, a Pelacor Bandit, and an Exploding Rats.
I also opened more Chaos Legion packs:

I only played in two qualifier tournaments for the Zen Sports Chaos Legion only tournament, but ended up playing Champion accounts with maxed out cards early on and got knocked out. I still haven’t been able to get my winnings out of their app, but it is the holidays so I haven’t harassed them too much yet. I did pick up a lot more cards to try to get them up to Silver level, but didn’t get all of the Splinters up there. I should be get getting a lot more cards once the general sale opens up in a couple weeks!
Guild Brawls:
Guild Brawl #54, playing Gold foil Bronze, Untamed and Dice only. We once again didn’t do particularly well, playing in the Tier 2 arena matches. I didn’t write down where we finished, but it wasn’t in a great place.
Vs. Change2Improve of HD2 Mauraders of Crom
Vs. Moriarty95 of Legendary Dragons
Vs. THEBADWITCH of Team Possible
Vs. Imperfect-One of Summoner’s Tribe
Vs. JIGSTRIKE of Knights United
Guild Brawl #55, playing Gold foil Bronze, Untamed and Dice only. The guild came in 2nd to last place overall. We’re discussing dropping back down to Tier 1 arena matches, since only a small number of big guilds are in tier 2.
Vs. Strong-AI of Team Possible Power
Vs. IMPERFECT-ONE of Summoner’s Tribe
Vs. Kittenz of The Anti Social Club
Vs. AThunderStruck of Immortal Gods 2
Vs. JigStrike of Knights United
I did also buy one more Gladiator pack:

The Rest:
I cashed out almost all of my DEC for future Chaos Legion packs, as well as picking up a few more Chaos Legion cards from the market. My Death and Water are somewhat decent for Silver level, and I got my Life summoner at Silver level. Earth and Fire have been a bit more expensive, so I haven’t got them up past Bronze levels yet.

The next two air drop cards were also announced. Part of my planned pack purchasing is around trying to get some copies of these in the air drop. These will also be added to packs, unlike Doctor Blight, so they will be a bit easier to collect.

I didn’t get any notable rewards on my InvestYGator alt account playing in Silver league. He did get one epic cards in his seasonal rewards, which is a bit better than my main account once again.

That’s about it for 2021! I feel like support has been slowing down a bit, which is likely due to the development team improving the game and there being fewer problems. Maybe I’ll get some more time to focus on playing in 2022!
I hope everyone had a good year! If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. I’ll be back next year with another update!