Splinterland Self Challenge

My Splinterlands Blog #138 – Banning Bots In Modern

Welcome to another article where I write about my journey playing Splinterlands! We are a little past the midpoint of the current season, as I delayed writing an update until after the patch on Tuesday where the Modern Ranked league was switched to be a “human only” league. With bots, or at least bots following the terms of service, moved to Wild, and my own plans to shift most of my Wild cards to land work, it seems like a good time to focus only on Modern play.

At the time of this writing, the update to block bots has only been out for about a day, but the general reception in the game’s Discord seems positive. A few people are upset about it over centralization complaints, or just want to bot. I don’t personally have a lot of sympathy for the latter, as there is still a league wide open for them to run bots in.

By focusing in on Modern, I was able to get up into Diamond 3 relatively early this season. However, I’ve been getting my butt kicked more often than not in that league. My lack of a Quix, or other Dragon Modern summoner, as well as not having a max level Kelya have certainly hurt. Not to mention my lack of a lot of max level cards in general.

Lux Vega also often kicks my butt.

I did get up to Silver I on my alternate account fairly quickly as well. I’m not in any sort of contention for the leaderboard, but I’m getting about twice as many chests there as on my account in Diamond. Hopefully the mood stays positive for the new Modern play, and match making doesn’t end up taking too long with no bots around. No real news on Tower Defense or Land, other than they may be even later than people were expecting from past Town Hall discussions.

Genesis League Goals, the soccer themed game from the same company as Splinterlands did release a beta of game play, to what seem to be a somewhat negative reaction from the few reviews I have seen. I personally have not played it, but it seems to be a simple 3 button game where you can choose to either pass, shoot, or dribble the ball. Maybe more features will come in later, as the team is known for releasing things somewhat rushed and planning to fix them up later.

There were a few other small changes, like some new team creation music and bug fixes for the new collection display. But, that’s probably enough game news coverage for now. I did open up a couple of Chaos Legion packs to try to work on my Modern deck.

Nice to get a gold foil common in the second pack. Otherwise, not much else of note.

Guild Brawls:

Guild Brawl #161, playing Bronze League Gold Foil Only. The guild came in third place for a surprising change of pace.




Guild Brawl #162, playing Bronze League Gold Foil Only. Sadly the guild came in 4th from last place, with my brawls not helping things.



I did open two more Gladiator packs:

Just the basic single rare and no gold foils, unfortunately. Slowly working towards leveling up Gladiator cards.

The Rest:

No real trading or tournaments, as usual. Granted, I should start looking at trading around cards. I know I’ve got some extra of my handful of maxed cards, that I probably won’t use on land. It’s time consuming and might be better to just sell them and buy new cards with the proceeds.

I expect I’ll end up finishing out the season about where I am now, unless I fall back down to Gold league. I’ve been managing to cling onto Diamond 3 so far, so maybe that will hold through the last few days of this season.

And, that’s about it for now! Thank you for reading. And, if you have any questions or comments, please let me know below!

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