After the 10 Millionth Chaos Legion pack was bought and the Legendary Fire summoner Conqueror Jaceck was released I went ahead and opened 100 of my Chaos Legion packs from my stash. Unfortunately, I didn’t get good screenshots from inside the Splinterlands itself, so I had to pull these off of the PeakMonsters site, which makes for larger images. This is going to be a post mainly of pack images, and my weekly update should be up in another day or so.
Looking for some copies of this new, pretty solid, Summoner card.
One Tarsa and a gold foil rare are decent finds to start off.
Happy to get another Grund, and nice to get a couple double rare packs.
First legendary card, albeit a 0 cost fiend. Narissa Tridawn and extra rares are good finds.
Temporal Master is the main card of note, though one extra rare at least.
Gold foil Tarsa is a fantastic find! Two more epic cards are also very solid finds.
A solid set of packs, with a bunch of summoners and another epic card!
Another Tarsa and a pack with two epics in the middle.
A few extra rare cards, albeit none of them are summoners.
A really solid top pack, followed by a couple mediocre ones.
Gold foil General Sloan is a nice find, plus a couple of extra rare cards.
A couple more epic cards, of which Wave Brood is quite popular.
Three gold foil commons in a row, plus another General Sloan.
A second legendary card, and quite a good one at that.
Two more epic cards and another General Sloan.
My first actual copy of the legendary Desert Dragon, plus an Obsidian and a lot of extra rare cards!
Another legendary card, albeit another fiend! Also a gold foil Deeplurker.
Gold foil Silent Shavi is a nice find, though outside of one extra rare, nothing too exciting.
One more copy of Tarsa.
A gold foil Flying Squid and a Thaddius Brood summoner of note here.
A very nice gold foil rare, plus one more epic card.
A legendary Grandmaster Rathe! Very excited to find another copy, and overall an amazing pack with the epic and gold foil rare. One more copy of Obsidian here as well!
And some less exciting packs.
Another copy of Tarsa.
A pair of Obsidians of note here.
And a Conqueror Jacek!
Another copy of Tarsa and another epic monster.
One more gold foil common and epic of note.
Another General Sloan and Obsidian, plus some extra rare cards.
Another legendary Djinn Muirat!
One more copy of Thaddius Brood and one epic monster.
One epic card of note.
And ending up with one more legendary card, along with an epic and Obsidian!
I opened one more for good luck, but didn’t hit anything of note and called it a night.
And that’s it for this little side article. Thank you for reading and I’ll be back soon with a seasonal wrap up!